#25 Weekly Application: Acetone

Did you know that acetone has been detected in the interstellar medium (the space between stars), proving that organic molecules are present even in the vastness of space? 🌌

On Earth, high-purity acetone is essential for various applications, including pharmaceuticals and electronics. It’s also crucial in the production of total hip and knee replacements, as well as many common plastics. And of course, it is found in nail polish 💅

However, acetone production is energy-intensive. Manufacturers face significant challenges in optimizing energy consumption while maintaining high yields. The most common production process is highly exothermic and requires careful control to avoid runaway reactions ⚗️

Meeting stringent quality standards, reducing costs, and increasing safety necessitates advanced monitoring techniques. Fortunately, Acetone absorbs strongly in the UV, making it easy to detect with precision photometry.

The Kemtrak Acetone analyzer can measure acetone from trace amounts to 100% with an accuracy of ±0.1ppm, ensuring precise and reliable monitoring for all applications.

Kemtrak, the leader in LED-based photometry💡