#24 Weekly Application: Brilliant Blue – leak detection in heat exchangers
Brilliant Blue FCF is a synthetic dye commonly used in various industries, including food, pharmaceutical, and chemical. It is used in heat exchanger and serves a specific technical purpose – leak detection. A water-soluble dye, it is known for its vibrant blue color. By adding the dye to the fluid, any leak become visible, allowing for a quick and effective action to be taken.
Heat exchangers are commonly used in industrial processes to provide temperature control by transferring heat from one process stream to another. Unfortunately, leaks can and do occur and contamination of one fluid with the other results.
Installing a Kemtrak leak detector allows for the quick and efficient identification of leaks. This ensures a minimal downtime and the optimal performance of heat exchangers. The DCP007’s robust design ensures consistent and reliable operation with minimal maintenance and the detection of leaks down to parts per billion (ppb).